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  The Crestwood HOA Board of Directors wants to make you aware of a proposed real estate development which could have negative impacts on Crestwood Estates.  According to a public notice from the Army Corps of Engineers, developers are seeking permission to fill in wetlands in order to expand the Tammany Hills subdivision.  The proposed expansion could negatively impact drainage and traffic in Crestwood.  Homeowner action is needed now to prevent or limit the impacts to Crestwood Estates.  


  Tammany Hills is the neighborhood on the eastern side of Crestwood Estates.  Currently there isa wooded, wetlands area that separates Crestwood and Tammany Hills.  Developers want to build 100 single family homes on that land.   About 21 acres of the 28-acre site are wetlands. Right now, the wetlands serve as a natural rain water absorption/retention area.  Filling in thisland for housing would send additional rain water into the ditches around Crestwood.  This could lead to slower drainage and flooding inside Crestwood. 


   The Army Corps of Engineers is accepting public comment about this proposed development until October 30 th , 2024.   Concerned citizens can also request the Corps to hold a public hearingregarding this matter.  The HOA Board of Directors urges residents to submit their concerns and/or request for a public hearing to the Corps project manager, Damon McDermott.  


  Email your concerns to: ATTENTION: REGULATORY DIVISION, RGC, Damon McDermott You must reference the developer and application number  ADVANCED MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, c/o Bruce Wainer  Application # MVN 2023-00978-WLS 


     For detailed maps and information about the proposed development, you can access the Corps’ public notice here:


    Please share this link with any public official or citizen who may have an interest in this development.  


Thank you for your attention to this matter,

Christen Timmins 


Crestwood Estates HOA

 (985) 801-9318

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